Tuesday, January 23, 2007

No Words

This is what life is about. This picture says it all.

Edited to add, although I was not going to use words ;)

"Explanation: The Great Spiral Galaxy in Andromeda (aka M31), a mere 2.5 million light-years distant, is the closest large spiral to our own Milky Way. Andromeda is visible to the unaided eye as a small, faint, fuzzy patch, but because its surface brightness is so low, casual skygazers can't appreciate the galaxy's impressive extent in planet Earth's sky. This entertaining composite image compares the angular size of the nearby galaxy to a brighter, more familiar celestial sight. In it, a deep exposure of Andromeda, tracing beautiful blue star clusters in spiral arms far beyond the bright yellow core, is combined with a typical view of a nearly full Moon. Shown at the same angular scale, the Moon covers about 1/2 degree on the sky, while the galaxy is clearly several times that size. The deep Andromeda exposure also includes two bright satellite galaxies, M32 and M110 (bottom)."

From: Astronomy Picture of the Day


Foxessa said...


This may be how life begins, or how life concludes, but is it really what life is about?

Just asking, you know!

Love, C.

Andrea said...

What I meant, is that our Universe is out there, as are the marvels of this earth. Most of us forget to stop and watch, or stop and think about how lucky we are to be part of it.

When I was a child, I used to think about the Universe. I used to make time to watch at the clouds and the stars. I used to read on top of a tree. Everytime I was down, nature would make my spirit fly.

We grow, we have more and more responsabilities, we work on "serious" things and in a way we "lose" the magic of feeling marvelled by this world. We don't give ourselves anymora that time.

This is what I meant :)


Foxessa said...

That explains why, every time, every, every, every time, I catch sight of the moon, whereever I am, and at whatever phase the moon is in, my spirit opens and elevates.

Love, C.